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Hoya 'Sweetheart' Kerrii

Hoya 'Sweetheart' Kerrii

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Botanical Name: Hoya Kerrii
Common Names: Sweetheart, Lucky Heart, Wax Plant

Please note this plant will not grow vines as it is a leaf cutting. It's grown for it's ornamental value rather than it's vines. A novelty gift around Valentine's Day.

Hoya Sweetheart Kerrii, also known as the Sweetheart Hoya, is a popular and unique houseplant known for its heart-shaped leaves. This plant is a member of the Hoya genus, which includes over 200 species of flowering plants native to tropical regions of Asia and Australia. The Sweetheart Hoya is often grown for its attractive foliage, which is glossy and succulent, making it a low-maintenance and visually appealing indoor plant.

One of the most distinctive features of the Hoya Sweetheart Kerrii is its heart-shaped leaves, which can range in color from vibrant green to variegated shades of green and white. The leaves are thick and waxy, which helps the plant retain moisture and makes it well-suited for indoor environments with low humidity. The Sweetheart Hoya is a slow-growing plant, but with proper care and the right conditions, it can produce clusters of fragrant, star-shaped flowers in shades of pink, white, or red.

To care for a Hoya Sweetheart Kerrii, it is important to place the plant in bright, indirect light and water it sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. The plant prefers temperatures between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit and should be fertilized lightly with a balanced, liquid fertilizer during the growing season. With the proper care and attention, the Hoya Sweetheart Kerrii can thrive and bring a touch of natural beauty and charm to any indoor space.

The Hoya Sweetheart Kerrii is a delightful and easy-to-care-for houseplant that adds a whimsical touch to any indoor garden. With its heart-shaped leaves and occasional clusters of fragrant flowers, this plant is sure to capture the hearts of plant enthusiasts and bring joy and beauty to any home or office space. Whether you are a seasoned plant parent or a beginner looking to cultivate a green thumb, the Sweetheart Hoya is a wonderful choice that will brighten up your surroundings and bring a sense of tranquility and natural beauty to your indoor oasis.


☀️ Bright Indirect Light
🌤  Medium Light
⛅️ Low Light
❤️ Easy Care
 💧 Normal Humidity
🌿 Foliage
🌱 Easy to Propagate
🟠 Water when 50% Dry
🐶🐱 Pet Friendly YES

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