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Pothos 'Neon' Epipremnum Pinnatum

Pothos 'Neon' Epipremnum Pinnatum

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Botanical Name: Epipremnum Pinnatum
Common Name(s): Neon Pothos

Pothos 'Neon' (Epipremnum Pinnatum) is a vibrant and eye-catching houseplant known for its striking neon green foliage. The leaves of this variety are heart-shaped and have a glossy texture that adds to their appeal. The bright green coloration of the leaves gives the plant a lively and energetic appearance, making it a popular choice for adding a pop of color to any indoor space.

This Pothos variety is easy to care for, making it ideal for both beginner and experienced plant owners. It adapts well to various light conditions, thriving in bright to moderate indirect light. It can also tolerate lower light levels, although the foliage may lose some of its vibrancy in such conditions.

Neon Pothos is a fast-growing vine that can trail or climb, making it suitable for hanging baskets or training on a moss pole. Its vines can reach impressive lengths, offering great versatility in terms of how it can be displayed. Regular pruning and trimming can help maintain a fuller and bushier shape.

In terms of care, Neon Pothos prefers moist but well-draining soil. It is fairly forgiving when it comes to watering, with the plant thriving when kept evenly moist but not overly saturated. It is recommended to allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again. This plant is also known for its air-purifying properties, helping to improve the air quality in indoor spaces.

Pothos 'Neon' is a visually striking and easy-to-care-for houseplant that can add a lively touch to any room. Its neon green leaves and adaptability make it an excellent choice for plant enthusiasts of all skill levels.


☀️ Bright Indirect Light
🌤 Medium Light
⛅️ Low Light
❤️ Easy Care
💧 Normal Humidity
🌿 Foliage
🌱 Easy to Propagate
🔴 Water when 25% Dry
🐶🐱 Pet Friendly NO 

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