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New Products Are Being Added This Week 12/30-1/3!

Happy fall y’all! New items!

Grand Opening
We’re excited! We just launched our brand new website and we’re still unpacking. So stay tuned for some more great items and sales! Our website is new but we’re not new to houseplants, gardening, farming, homesteading and the likes. It’s been a year in the making but we finally have an online presence. We opened this site/store so that we can share with you all of the products that we know, use and love! It’s important to us to offer only good quality products to our customers.

We’re just a small woman owned business in Western New York. We’re not “one of the big guys”. So please bear with us as we further build and improve our website and our offerings. In the future we’ll be adding more resources, articles, products and services all designed with you in mind. We want this to be a great place for you to find what you need without all of the hassle. We’ll also be adding a learning center. This will be full of information on houseplants, vegetable, flower and herb gardening, herbal products like soaps, lotions, oils, blends, diy, home remedies, canning, prepping, processing, recipes, farming, homesteading, raising poultry and livestock and more. We have so many great ideas, we can’t wait to share them with you!

In the meantime, while we’re unpacking, if you see something that’s incorrect, broken, not working correctly or if you have suggestions, please feel free to reach out to us. We’d love to hear from you!

Contact Us


Hi, I'm Tameron! AKA: Mama Red. I'm the owner of Mama Reds Not Fancy Plants, a small one woman owned business in Western New York. I enjoy sharing with you my love of plants, gardening, nature, animals, being self-sustainable and homesteading. I offer advice on growing beautiful things, the amazing benefits of herbs and write about my love for my pets and chickens (I have a flock of my own, along with quail and I used to be a rare poultry breeder). I manage all aspects of the business myself, with the exception of my two lovely girls who think they're my supervisors 🙄... Bella (my Great Pyrenees) and Willow (my Australian Shepherd) along with Ryder (my German Shepherd), my three cats (June, Uller and Taz). I hope you enjoy our products, articles and the website as much as I enjoy sharing this journey with you. I'm off to go play in the dirt... 🧤💐❤️

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